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  • Writer's pictureUffculme Parish Council

December 2020 Meeting Highlights

The Parish Council met on Thursday 3rd December online, and the following provides a brief run down of the key points.

- The meeting agreed to support funding a Gator for Coldharbour Mill which will assist their volunteers on the Splash project.

- The Clerk updated the meeting that the Skatepark was complete and would be handed over on Friday 4th December. The application for the Viridor funding draw down would be submitted with final photos of the site.

- The meeting agreed the cost of the Christmas lights which was just over £2000, with the lights Committee making a donation to the Parish Council of £2000.

- The meeting reconsidered its previous decision to remove the tree from within The Square. There had been a number of public comments made and members of the public address Councillors. It was decided unanimously to prune, rather than remove the tree.

- The meeting agreed that they would fund the pressure washing of the bricks and paving around the Shambles.

- The Pond lease was progressing, and the Council will share the idea/design with the Community on Facebook and our website for public comment. It is anticipated that works on the Pond will start in February 2021, when the lease is estimated to commence.

- The meeting agreed to hold the January Parish Council meeting online, to continue to be reviewed.

- The meeting was updated on recent social media activity and it was agreed that using social media as an additional method of communicating the work of the Council and gaining feedback from Parishioners in respect of Council matters has been a welcome addition. The meeting also discussed and agreed that the Council would publish its brief meeting summary on a new Blog on the website, and this would be progressed over the next couple of months.

- The Council discussed traffic issues in and around the Primary School, specifically an e-mail they had received from a Parishioner suggesting ways in which traffic could be managed in and around the village at school drop-off and collection times. The resident has joined the working group for Traffic and Speeding issues in the Parish, and this item will be considered in January when the group will be able to progress ideas, alongside the Police, to improve the safety on our roads in the Parish.

- The meeting was updated on the progress of Willand Parish Council of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan, and it was agreed that Uffculme Parish Council would continue to send representatives to their meetings to keep abreast of progress, and feed back any thoughts to the Willand Parish Council on the draft plan.

- The meeting discussed a proposal that had been presented by a member of the public for a footpath between Willand and Uffculme, which at its initial stage would follow the old railway line. The meeting discussed the potential benefits/issues of taking the footpath away from the road and on reflection, the meeting agreed that the principle of a footpath connecting the two villages would be supported however, the location and scope would need further consideration.

- The Council had contacted both Primary and Secondary school to gain their support in promoting that anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated within our village. Both schools echoed our disappointment at the recent acts of vandalism and promoted our message.

- The Long Shrubbery footpath, from the URC Church, bordering the Bridwell Estate, had recently had the drainage works completed by DCC, and it was hoped this would now alleviate the previous debris and flooding issues.

- The meeting agreed that the Clerk would write to households where foliage is intruding on footpaths and access complaints had been received. DCC will not take any action on this point.

- The meeting agreed that we would look to hold our Parish Council meetings on Mondays throughout 2021, as there had been a number of instances recently where the Parish Council meetings conflicted with the meetings held at MDDC. The Clerk will prepare a schedule which will be publish on the website and Facebook.

PARISH COUNCIL NEXT MEETING Monday 18th January 2021 All meetings currently held via video call – reviewed monthly. If you wish to participate, or be present, please contact the Clerk no later than 12pm on the Friday prior to the meeting. Clerk Contact - Verity Aldridge 01884 693023 E-Mail: Full meeting minutes are published on the Parish Council website, along with other useful information and Councillor contact details.


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